Travel Advances and Reimbursements

For travel advance expenses, a PO should be created and authorized with sufficient lead-time for a check to be generated. Back-up documents must be submitted to Accounts Payable upon return from the trip. If there is unused cash from your travel advance, it needs to be returned as part of the back-up packet.

Back-up for advances and reimbursements consists of:

  1. Receipts.
  2. Credit card packing slips that show the requester’s name and amount (if that isn’t available, then the credit card bill showing the requester’s name and the line item with amount).
  3. Emails showing the requester’s name and amount.

Organizing back-up for reimbursements and advances:

  1. Tape all receipts to 8 ½” x 11” white paper(s). They should be numbered and in the same order that they are listed on the calculator tape or spreadsheet (see below).
  2. Attach a calculator tape or spreadsheet totaling all the receipts and showing that the total matches the PO total.
  3. Mileage reimbursements are .50/mile. A Google maps printout can be attached to show the mileage for long distances. Use 6×366 (with the x varying by department) as the prime code for travel.
  4. Per Diem allowances are $37 daily (breakfast, lunch, and dinner). Lodging should not exceed $100 except in large cities where $150 is the maximum allowed.

We follow the Iowa Department of Administrative Services guidelines on mileage and per diem rates:


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