Employee Referral Form
MIU is always looking for talented employees, and we can work together on our recruiting initiatives! Research has shown, and our experience supports, that new hires who come into
a workplace through employee referrals are excellent team members, stay with the company longer, and are more cost-effective recruits.
That’s where you come in! If you know someone who would be a good addition to MIU’s workforce, you may be awarded a referral bonus of $300 (less taxes) if you refer candidates who are hired after they complete their probation time.
Employees must refer candidates to Human Resources by submitting a candidate referral form and a resume.
Payment of Funds
The delivery of funds will be processed through regular direct deposit by payroll once the referee is employed for at least three months without any performance-related issues or warnings (waiting time/probation of three months).
Program Rules
- All MIU employees, except those at the vice president level and above, Human Resources personnel, and managers with hiring authority over the referred candidates, are eligible for the referral bonus.
- The referral date cannot be earlier than when the job opening is posted. A referred employee must be hired within 180 days (six months) of the initial referral date.
- The referral must represent the candidate’s first contact with MIU. Temporary, summer, contract, and former employees of MIU are not eligible candidates for referral awards.
- To be eligible for an award, an employee must submit a referral to Human Resources with a candidate referral form and a resume.
- The referring employee must agree to have their name used when MIU contacts the candidate.
- The first employee to refer a candidate will be the only referring employee eligible for payment.
- Only candidates who meet the essential qualifications for the position will be considered.
- All candidates will be evaluated for employment consistent with university policies and procedures.
- All information regarding the hiring decision will remain strictly confidential.
- MIU must employ the referring employee during the hired candidate’s first 90 days of employment to receive payment of the referral bonus and entry into the quarterly drawing.
- Any disputes or interpretations of this employee referral program will be handled through Human Resources.
- All referral bonus payments will be paid within one pay period after the waiting time/probation is fulfilled.