Collaboration–How we grow together

In the Collaboration Phase, the manager observes, coaches, and supports their employees to reach the goals. It is the responsibility of the employee to accomplish the set goals, but the manager supports them by giving regular feedback (see the description below) and inquiring about the progress in meeting the goals. Good management is always inspiring and revitalizing to everyone, rather than fatiguing (Maharishi Mahesh Yogi).

The manager schedules the quarterly (or more often) check-ins.

Collaboration happens throughout the year to achieve the established goals and support each other. To support our employees in this process, the University asks managers to use and facilitate the two processes below:

  • Quarterly Check-in conversations (minimally): They are intended to create a comprehensive overview of their goals and development. Please see How we do Quarterly Check-ins.
  • Ongoing feedback: This is intended to let the employee know how a specific action or behavior affects their surroundings and their goals. Please see How we give Feedback.

This document summarizes the process for the Collaboration.