Year-end Performance Reflection
Reflection is a one-on-one conversation between the manager and the employee. It includes discussions about work progress, individual goals, performance expectations, and competencies. This conversation helps both to understand the challenges of the job. It is also a chance to create a deeper relationship. Prepare specific examples of how goals and competencies have been met and improvement opportunities. In the meeting, both compare the actual performance to the goals and competencies. We intend this meeting to build a database of successes and opportunities for improvement so they can be even more successful in the next year.
It summarizes the performance of communication in the previous year and comprises three main parts:
1. First will be the review process in Asure for the employee. They fill out their part in the Employee Profile Login ( (REVIEW–Performance Reviews—Review Performance Plan), approves it, and thereby sends it to the manager.
Please find video instructions here: Video on the review in Asure.
- Comment on the “Competencies” and the “Organizational Goals” in Asure with observations and potential improvements. As per Maharishi, “Speak the sweet truth,” with useful feedback How we give Feedback
- The employee rates the “Competencies” and “Organizational Goals.”
2. Then, the manager reviews their employees in the Employee Profile Login ( (REVIEW–Conduct Reviews).
- Please find video instructions here: Video on the review in Asure.
- Comment on the “Competencies” and the “Organizational Goals” in Asure with observations and potential improvements. As per Maharishi, “Speak the sweet truth,” but speak the truth and give your employees useful feedback (How we give Feedback) for their improvement.
- Managers only rate the “Organizational Goals.” We want to be true to our mission; we believe every individual holds infinite potential and is capable of anything they set their mind to. Therefore, we do not want to “put a grade” on someone’s level of competency. We want this to be a fluid evaluation.
3. Finally, the manager schedules the review meeting. The manager also sends out instructions helping to prepare for this meeting. Please follow these guidelines:
You and your employees prepare examples of how you have met goals and competencies.
- In the meeting, both compare the actual performance to the goals and competencies.
- The manager documents the process.
This conversation helps both parties to understand the challenges of the job. It is also a chance to create a deeper relationship.