Direction-The planning phase

The Direction’s initial step starts with the Cabinet identifying goals for the University MIU Goals and Competencies. These companywide goals should then be drilled down, therefore, the Vice Presidents break these goals down to their areas and communicate them to their department heads. The department heads develop goals for their department and communicate them to their employees. Finally, you and your employee collaborate to create individual goals and needs for the professional development and success of the employee, as well as identify a potential career path for the employee within the organization. This meeting is also a good place to discuss responsibilities and expectations.

This document summarizes the process for Direction.

Your manager will help with the preparation for the meeting, and the manager must document the agreement (s) in Asure Login ( (EE INFO-Employee Notes).


Fulfillment is structured in achievement, Maharishi explains; that’s where you come into play. We can only achieve MIU’s goals with your contribution, because achievement is structured in action. Action is structured in thinking, where we want to support you to do your job in the best way. Thinking is structured in knowledge; therefore, our culture is so important because knowledge is not only your professional skills but also the knowledge of Natural Law. Knowledge is structured in consciousness , where everything is born. Transcendental Meditation is increasingly connecting us to Pure Consciousness.