Sustain-Able-Growth: Our Performance Management approach
At Maharishi International University, we recognize everyone has an infinite field of creativity, intelligence, and happiness within. We want to put our attention on supporting you in your development because we know that the most precious resource at MIU is our human resource, YOU. Your contribution is crucial to the success of MIU. Therefore, we are focusing on your growth through different initiatives about open communication, planning, and belonging.
We believe in healthy and sustainable growth, and we want to involve you because your opinion matters. We know that only by nourishing the qualities in our teams we can create great professionals. Water the root to enjoy the fruit (Maharishi Mahesh Yogi).
Our Sustain-Able-Growth approach enables us to create departmental/individual goals, meeting the needs of MIU’s strategic plan. It creates a structure that fosters accountability and accomplishment. We are looking forward to supporting you on your path.
You will find all the videos and documents in our MIU Learning Center under “Sustain-Able-Growth for Employees”. Managers find more instructions and resources under “Sustain-Able-Growth for Managers”.
Thank you for your collaboration to make this process a helpful tool for all of us.
In MIU, all employees are leaders by making decisions that unfold the vision of the university. The managers of the departments create an inclusive place to grow for every individual.
We want you to feel that:
You are growing personally and professionally.
- You are adding value to the university through your service.
- You are part of a dedicated team that is empowered to improve the quality of service provided to our customers.
- You understand how your work contributes to the functioning of MIU.
- You have a good understanding of the functioning of the whole.
- Your ideas are welcomed, and your contributions are acknowledged and appreciated.
- You have a good career path here at MIU, should you choose to make this your career.
These pages give you an overview of the initiative. In addition, HR (Human Resources) and your manager will provide training on the distinct aspects of Sustain-Able-Growth. We want to support you to have clarity about your role and appreciate how you contribute to the prosperity of the University, because “The nature of life is to grow” (Maharishi). Finally, we will provide you with some tools to about feedback and goal setting.
The best ideas appear in consciousness-based and committed individuals, turning these ideas into reality by working together. Through our engagement, creativity, and collaboration, we are creating a prosperous MIU.
Sustain-Able-Growth: The Process
The three steps below describe the process of the Sustain-Able-Growth approach:
- In the Direction phase, the manager collaborates with their employees to identify goals for the next review period and set standards on how to recognize when the goal is achieved.
- The Collaboration phase has the purpose of tracking your performance with your employees to get the most proper feedback and support.
- At the end of the cycle, you and your manager Reflect on the accomplishments and identified goals.
“All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become.” (Maharishi)