Venues with A/V Systems
Here is the list of MIU’s current campus venues with a/v systems:
Argiro Student Center (ASC) venues:
- Dalby Hall (This is the MIU “flagship” venue with many features, so it typically requires a longer training session)
- Festival Hall
- Student Lounge
- Arts Center (AC) (#106, #110, #111)
- Dreier buiding (DB) (#3, #12, #102, #114)
- Gateridge buiding (GR) (#201, #211)
- Maharishi Veda-Bhavan (VB) building (#111, #201, #211)
- Sustainable Living Center (SLC) (#8, #9, #11)
- Verrill Hall (VH) #45
Theaters: Please contact the MIU Student Activities dept. at to discuss av training in these venues:
- Arts Center (AC) Theatre
- Spayde Theatre (located in the Library/Science Building)
Domes: We can also provide a/v training for the following halls if prior approval is received from the IT dept manager:
- Patanjali Golden Dome (PGD)
- Bhagambrini Golden Dome (BGD)