FAQs for Asure

We offer different ways to support you with the use of Asure.

Here are some videos with instructions on the different processes in Asure:

  • This video shows you how to punch, transfer positions, request Leave of Absence, and submit your timesheet.
  • This video explains how to change personal information in Asure and get your paystubs.
  • This video is designed for supervisors, including an explanation of the dashboard, edit timesheets, approve timesheets, approve and edit Leave Requests.


Below, you will find documents with the Frequently Asked Questions.

How do I log in to Asure?

How can I reset or change my password?

How can I update my personal information?

How do I apply for a job in Asure?

We are working on more documents to support you. Please stay tuned.

If you can’t find the answer you are looking for, you can also contact us.