Who are Campus Security Authorities?

Campus Security Authority (CSA) is a term introduced by federal law and covers those members of the University community to whom a crime could be reported. If a crime is brought to the attention of a “campus security authority” by a victim, witness, other third party or the offender, the crime is considered being officially “reported” to the University.

MIU has identified those members of staff and faculty, who have significant responsibility for campus security in general and/or student and campus activities. They are, therefore, considered Campus Security Authorities by law. This list includes all members of the Security and Student Life Departments, the Title IX Coordinator, and other designated members of staff and faculty.  Course leaders of noncampus courses and overnight trips are also campus security authorities. The University reviews the list of campus security authorities at the beginning of every academic year and updates it.

Although a wide variety of members of staff and faculty are designated by law to be Campus Security Authorities, we encourage the MIU community to report crimes and other incidents or security threats directly to the members of the Security Department either in person, via phone or through the online reporting form.

Crimes, other incidents or threats are to be reported to :

  • A security officer on duty: phone 641-472-1115, or ext. 1115 from campus phones.
  • A security officer in Hildenbrand Hall (room no. 103 in Hildenbrand Hall): phone 641-226-4086.
  • Director of Safety and Security: Rig Gelfand, rgelfand@miu.edu, phone 641-472-1117, or ext. 1117 from campus phones, or 641-233-8594.
  • Director of Regulatory Compliance: Beata Nacsa, bnacsa@miu.edu, phone 641-472-7000 ext. 4275 or ext. 4275 from campus phones.
  • Title IX Coordinator: Katie Snyder, ksnyder@miu.edu, 641-233-5947.

Reporting Crime Allegations to Campus Security Authorities

Witnesses, victims, and perpetrators may report a crime allegation to the Campus Security Authorities (CSAs).

The campus security authorities are educated to

  • report crime and other incidents to the Security Office via the University’s online reporting system, email or phone or in person without delay;
  •  inform the victim what help is available on campus, in the community and online.

The Security and Safety Office collects the crime reports and makes them available for the public through the daily crime log, the annual security report and the Department of Education’s website.

Voluntary and Confidential Reporting

MIU encourages anyone who knows a crime or a criminal allegation, violation of MIU policy, incidents committed on any location of MIU operations, or security or safety concerns, to report such matters. You may make a confidential report to Campus Security Authorities, and also to the Security Office.

Confidential reporting means that while the reporter’s identity is known, the reporter’s identity is not shared with any third party. Also, any details in the report that could lead to the identification of the reporter will be removed before the report is communicated with any third party.

Complainants who wish to volunteer information confidentially may speak with MIU’s Support Services, as well.  Confidentiality will be retained unless there is a concern for the complainant’s safety or the safety of others. If the counselor learns during their counseling sessions that a crime (including VAWA offenses like domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking) was committed, they might remind their clients, if and when they deem it appropriate, that the nature, time and location of the crime may be provided to Campus Security through the Director of the Personal Support Services for inclusion in the University’s crime log and statistics with all other information, including the reporter’s identity, remaining confidential. The report will also be evaluated by the Director of Security or designee whether a timely warning notice should be issued.

Anonymous Reporting

If you want to make an anonymous report, please fill in the online reporting form here (link here the online reporting form). Please note that anonymously submitted forms may limit our effectiveness in responding to the reported concern. For example, if a student believes that someone is stalking them, but he or she does not share the personal information about the victim and the perpetrator, the University will unable to issue a no-contact order and take further steps to address the unlawful behavior in the future and remedy the harm done.

Please share your contact information with us if you wish us to speak with you about your concern. If you want the Security Department to keep your identity confidential, please indicate on the form that you have made a voluntary and confidential report.

Manual for Campus Security Authorities

The Security Department advises the entire campus community to report all crimes to the Fairfield Police (911) and MIU Campus Security (ext.1115, or 641-472-1115).

Your obligation

Your obligation as a campus security authority is to report the allegations you receive whenever a crime has occurred:

  • on-campus,
  • on public property adjacent to and directly accessible from campus (e.g. Highway 1 between the two parts of campus, Highway 1 to the West of the farmland, N B Street along Utopia Park and around the entrances of the campus) or,
  • on a noncampus location (Headley Hall, MIU sponsored overnight trips like rotating university, base camp or field trips).

In case of doubt, please refer to the Clery map which is available online

You may report a crime in person, via phone or online to the Security Department. If the matter is urgent, please make your report via phone or in-person to the security officer, 641-472-1115, and/or Director of Security, Rig Gelfand 641-233-8594. Otherwise, please use our online reporting form If you are unable to use the online reporting form, you may also send your report via email to rgelfand@miu.edu and bnacsa@miu.edu.

Reportable crimes under the Clery Act

  • Murder & non-negligent manslaughter
  • Negligent manslaughter
  • Forcible or non-forcible sex offenses (e.g. rape, fondling, incest, statutory rape)
  • Aggravated assault
  • Domestic Violence
  • Dating Violence
  • Stalking
  • Arson
  • Liquor, drug or weapons law violations (not a mere violation of MIU policy!)
  • Motor vehicle theft
  • Burglary
  • Robbery
  • All hate crimes including all the above, and larceny-theft, simple assault, intimidation, destruction/damage/vandalism of property. (A hate crime is a crime where the victim is targeted for his or her actual or perceived race, gender, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, ethnicity, or disability.)


Always be available and ready to listen with patience to any student, staff, faculty or visitor if they report a crime to you. Please listen carefully and empathetically.

After hearing the person’s whole story, your duties are twofold:

  1. making sure everything is reported to Campus Security and,
  2. inform the victim about what help and support is available, regardless of whether they want to report the incident to the authorities (police).

When a crime is reported to you, first ask the person if they would like to report it to Campus Security. If so, contact Campus Security (641-472-1115), or the Director of Campus Security, Rig Gelfand (641 233 8594), or fill in the online reporting form.

If you have first-hand knowledge and confirmation (verbal or written) that the reporting party did file a report with Campus Security, then you need not file another report. However, if the reporting party tells you, they will file a report with MIU Security, and no report has been filed, then you must file your report via phone or online. In an emergency, such as a physical assault, however, always contact the police (call 911) first.

Gather as much information from the reporting party as you can about who, what, where, when and how did.

You should not investigate the crime or attempt to determine whether a crime took place. If you are in doubt whether a crime occurred, or is reportable, then you must report the incident.

Please note that crime reports can be confidential! In most cases, a CSA can fulfill his or her responsibilities while maintaining the victim’s confidentiality. MIU will use crime reports from CSAs to create crime statistics and determine if there is a serious or continuing threat to the safety of the campus community that would require a timely warning. Usually, you can meet these your reporting responsibilities without disclosing personally-identifying information. A CSA report does not lead to the police or disciplinary investigation if the victim does not want to pursue this action.

The following is a sample of what you can tell a reporting party who comes to you to report a crime:

“As part of my position on campus I am a federally mandated crime reporter for MIU, I have to report this incident to MIU Security for gathering crime statistics. If you request confidentiality, the Incident Report Form will not include your name or that of any other involved individuals. My report will contain only the information you approve of. Would you like to help me fill the Report Form out? Do you have any questions?”

Providing help

If the individual reporting an incident needs help, explain to them how to get help from Student Life, MIU nurse, the local hospital, crisis shelters, and hotlines, like Crisis Intervention Services and Crisis Centre & Women’s Shelter. A more complete list of resources is available online

Let the victim know help is available even if they do not want an investigation conducted.

If you have questions about your duties as a CSA or about an individual incident, please contact Beata Nacsa, Director of Regulatory Compliance.

Your contribution to the safety of our students, employees, and visitors is full-heartedly appreciated!





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