Mandatory Child Abuse Reporting Policy
Purpose and Scope
The purpose of this policy is to explain who is required to report child abuse when child abuse reporting is required, and the process for reporting. Maharishi University Management wants to protect all minors on campus. This includes minors who are visitors on campus, participating in on-campus programs, or off-campus University-sponsored programs, as well as, children of faculty, administrators, or any other child residing or visiting the campus for any reason.
Consistent with Iowa Code 261.9, and Senate File 2225 this policy requires anyone who, in the scope of their employment responsibilities, examines, attends, counsels, or treats a child, to report suspected physical or sexual abuse of a child. This includes most University employees, including, but not limited to, faculty, coaches, student employees, administrators and staff “University Reporters”. If you are not sure whether you are required to report, you are encouraged to err on the side of caution and report. You do not need to have proof that abuse has occurred in order to be required to report.
When to Report
University Reporters must report child abuse when they see, know about, or reasonably suspect the abuse of a child. A report should be made as soon as possible and within twenty-four hours after becoming aware of the suspected abuse. The types of abuse that are required to be reported under this policy include any physical or sexual abuse of a child.
- “Child” means any person under the age of eighteen years.
- “Physical abuse” means non-accidental acts or omissions that cause, or fail to prevent, physical injury to a child.
- “Sexual abuse” means the commission of a sexual offense according to Iowa law, including rape, sexual assault, molestation, incest, indecent exposure, or exploitation of a child in a manner in which the child is used for gratification or sexual enjoyment by another person.
Reporting Procedures
In the event of an emergency, first, call 911.
Suspected abuse must be reported to MIU’s Title IX Coordinator Caterina Tomaselli (641) 233-8033, and/or Campus Safety and Security ext. 1115 or (641) 472-1115 or (641) 472-1117. When making a report of child abuse under this policy the University Reporter shall provide the following information to the best of their knowledge:
- Name of the alleged victim(s)
- Name of the alleged perpetrator(s)
- Time and date of the incidents being reported
- The location where the incidents occurred
- Any additional information known about the abuse
Mandatory Reporters under Iowa Code 232.69
It is possible that some University Reporters, as well as others who interact with minors who are on the University campus or participating in off-campus University-sponsored programs may be Mandatory Reporters of child abuse under Iowa Code §232.69. These individuals have additional responsibilities to report all forms of child abuse as described in Iowa Code § 232.68(2). Under §232.69, Mandatory Reporters must report suspected abuse to the Department of Human Services. Child Abuse can be reported to the Department of Human Services by calling the toll-free child abuse reporting hotline 24 hours a day: 1-800-362-2178.
The University encourages everybody, including those who are not Mandatory Reporters under Iowa Code §232.69, to report all forms of child abuse to the Department of Human Services in addition to reporting to the Title IX Coordinator and to the Campus Safety and Security under this policy.
Prohibition on Retaliation
Consistent with Iowa law, the University will take no retaliatory action against an employee who makes a good faith report of child abuse.