Emergency Notification System

Emergency Notification Methods

The University has established procedures for transmitting immediate emergency notifications upon the confirmation of a significant emergency or dangerous situation which constitutes an immediate threat to the health or safety of students, staff, faculty, or guests on our campus.

The University will, without delay, and considering the safety of the community, determine the content of the notification and initiate the notification system, unless issuing a notification will, in the professional judgment of responsible authorities, compromise efforts to assist a victim or contain, respond to or otherwise mitigate the emergency.

Emergency notification will be sent out, for example, in case of an approaching tornado, earthquake, severe explosion, civil unrest, an active shooter, or other dangerous situations.

If emergency notification is necessary, students, staff, and faculty will be notified primarily via email and text messages sent out through the RAVE Mobile Safety mass notification system, the Maharishi International University App emergency push notification system, or miu.edu email addresses.

Emergency announcements may also be made through other appropriate and available means, depending upon the nature of the threat or other circumstances. For example, faculty and administrative chairs and department heads may notify their colleagues through email and phone tree about the nature of the problem and provide them instructions.

In case of fire and other mechanical hazards in a building, a fire alarm might be initiated. Depending upon the situation and the availability of electronic notification systems, the Security and Safety Office might also post written notices and warnings in residence halls and public buildings, explaining the situation, with a directive as to the actions to take.

Whenever and as appropriate, parents and emergency contacts will be notified by university officials. Students’ emergency contacts will be notified by the Dean or Assistant Dean of Student Life. During emergency notifications, student information should remain confidential and protected from unauthorized persons, including parents, unless a student is a minor or has consented to parental notification.

At a later stage of the emergency response process, large or small group meetings may be held for updates, trauma mitigation or to disseminate additional information and instruction either in person or online.

Signing up to Receive Electronic Emergency Notifications (including visitors)

The RAVE Mobile Safety mass notification system and the MIU App are used by the University to send out mass notifications via text and e-mail messages.

MIU students, faculty, and staff are automatically enrolled in the campus emergency notification system, RAVE Mobile, with the information MIU has on record with the Enrollment Center and HR Department. Students, faculty, and staff can update their contact information or opt-out of the system, although that is discouraged.

Please note that you will get messages from MIU RAVE if you need to take action immediately to keep yourself safe, so it is important that you read all messages that may come from RAVE Alert.

The Maharishi International University App connects campus residents to the campus community and includes information about all important aspects of campus life. The campus app includes a push notification function, as well, through which the University is able to notify the members of the campus community if a crime or criminal situation causes a serious or continuing threat, or if there is a significant emergency or dangerous situation.

You may log in to MIU’s RAVE Mobile Safety app here using your miu.edu email address:


All members of the MIU community are encouraged to check periodically whether their data on the RAVE Mobile Safety system is accurate and up to date.

You may sign up here to the Maharishi International University App using your miu.edu email address:


Short term visitors can sign up for both the Rave Mobile Safety mass notification system and Maharishi International University App. When signing up for the MIU App, those who have no miu.edu email address may choose the “visitor” option on the welcome page. If you are not interested in getting these messages after leaving campus, delete your accounts in both systems. If an individual signed up for MIU RAVE Mobile, MIU is unable to remove the account from our system from the University’s side.

Please note that MIU uses the same channels of communication for sending out a timely warning (crime alert) and emergency notification messages.



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