MIU Learning Center ONLINE
We are excited to introduce you to our new MIU Learning Center!
MIU has enjoyed exceptional growth in recent years, and as Dr. Hagelin says, this growth is not only a godsend for our University’s financial strength and long-term security; it also supports us in achieving our most fundamental goal, which is to spread Maharishi’s Consciousness-Based Education and its benefits throughout the world. This evolutional process asks for new ways of learning delivery for our staff and faculty to enjoy continued growth and success. We have a great experience with our existing online training systems, now we want to bring this benefit to all our employees.
Please visit the MIU Learning Center and see the exciting resources of our growing library, organized in the following folders:
Inspiration: Inspirational videos about learning and other topics
- Health: Resources about TM, AyurVeda, and Workplace Ergonomics
- Sustain-Able-Growth: An introduction to our performance development approach. You can also find information on Sustain-Able-Growth.
- MIU Compliance: This training is required by law, including Title IX, OSHA safety. We will contact you about the required courses for your position.
- Supervisors and Managers: These are courses for supervisors and managers on their responsibilities, including FMLA and Sustain-Able-Growth.
- Emergency, Fire, and Weather safety: Here, you can find different courses on safety and the regulations at MIU. For more information, please also see the page of Campus Security
- Training in Asure: Resources supporting you while using our Human Capital Management software Asure.
- Tortal Content: Interesting podcasts and articles about training and learning, for example, “Reinventing Yourself”, “Integrating 7 Habits into Your Life”, etc.
You can also access the MIU Learning Center through MyApplications.
Please contact for any question.
In-person training
We will also offer training in-person in different areas. We are always researching for new courses supporting your growth. Stay tuned!
Please contact for any questions about training.